Sensitive Skin Characteristic

It is more and more common to see people with sensitive skin. Regardless of having dry, oily or combination skin, your skin can also be sensitive. Sensitive skin may be inborn or hereditary. It is characteristic of women, whose skin reactions depend on menstruation and their emotional state. It is very difficult to take care about sensitive skin. Sensitive skin may result in burning sensation, formication, constriction, itching, which appear after washing with water or using certain cosmetics. Sensitive skin is more and more often, which is connected with natural environment pollution (toxins, dust, artificial fibres, glow discharge tubes light), wrong care and using cosmetics improper to skin type and age, excessive solar irradiation, not only natural, but also artificial (solarium), overheated and dry rooms and stress, wrong diet, lack of physical exercise, smoking cigarettes and being in smoky rooms.

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